Assessment Tests and Interviews Reliable Computer Graded Assessment

Unique BDS Test Features
How to find the test that meets your needs

Tests Alphabetically Listed: Visitors that know the name of the test they are looking for can click on the Adult Tests Alphabetically listed link and scroll down the list of tests until they come to the test they are searching for. Clicking on a test name takes you to that test's webpage which describes the test, presents an example report and links to the test's "Training Manual" and research.

Tests Functionally Grouped: Visitors that do not have a test's name can begin their test search by clicking on the Adult Tests Functionally Grouped webpage link. Tests are grouped according to their function or purpose. For example, test groups include intake programs, counseling, outpatients, inpatients, defendants, probationers, inmates (prisons), etc. Specialty groups include anger management, DUI/DWI screenings, driver's license reinstatement, substance (alcohol and other drugs) abuse, gambler addiction, suicide screening, courts, drug courts, domestic violence perpetrators, welfare recipient screening, sex offenders, treatment intake and counseling or treatment outcome.

Built-In Database (For Ongoing Research)

The Behavior Data Systems proprietary built-in database procedure allows all administered tests to be included in that test's database for subsequent analysis. Behavior Data Systems test users sign an agreement and agree to return all used, damaged or recalled diskettes for database analysis. Database analysis is a cost effective way of ensuring ongoing research. Ongoing research enhances quality control and assessment accuracy. Expanding databases also permit annual test program summaries, which provide for program evaluation. Properly designed databases allow ongoing research and program summaries to be efficient, timely and cost effective. A built-in database is a very desirable test feature that is incorporated in each Behavior Data Systems test.

Truthfulness Scale

Each Behavior Data Systems, (BDS) assessment instrument or test contains a Truthfulness Scale that determines how truthful the client was while completing the test. This scale detects defensiveness and faking. It also identifies the reading impaired. First year psychology students were detected with the Truthfulness Scale when they were instructed to "lie but don't get caught." Each test's Truthfulness Scale is discussed in its Orientation and Training Manual.

Annual Summary Reports

Behavior Data Systems can access each of its tests built-in database for statistical analysis and summarization of all tests administered in a year. Annual Summary Reports are prepared for state, department, agency and even some individual providers -- at no cost to them. These reports are provided as a professional courtesy to large volume test users. Summary reports include demographics, court-history when relevant, and test statistics (reliability, validity and accuracy). Has anyone offered to summarize your testing program? Annually? At no additional cost to you? Minimum testing volume for annual reports is 350 tests. There is no maximum limit. Behavior Data Systems' annual reports range in size from 350 tests to over 50,000 tests annually. An example Annual Summary Report can be viewed by clicking on this Annual Summary Report link.

Truth-Corrected Scores

The relationship between the Truthfulness Scale and all other scales contained in each test has been determined and applied to each test's scale scores, resulting in Truth-Corrected scores. Truth-Corrected scores are more accurate than raw scores and reveal what the client is trying to hide. Truth corrections are standardized on each test's database population. Truth-Corrected scores are explained in each test's Orientation and Training Manual.

Staff Training

BDS offers free test-related on-site staff training to state contractors, departments and high volume test users. Low volume users can join together for joint or combined training workshops. At least 35 attendees are needed to schedule an on-site training. Interested parties should either e-mail us at or call us at (602)234-3506.

Test Data Input Verification

When tests are given in paper-pencil format, staff manually input their answers for computer scoring. Behavior Data Systems utilizes a proprietary manual data input verification procedure to help ensure accuracy. In brief, test data is input twice. If any inconsistencies between the two data inputs of the same test occur, they are highlighted until corrected. Moreover, the scoring procedure will not advance until all inconsistencies are corrected. As inconsistencies are corrected, highlighting disappears, and the scoring process can continue. Accurate test data input is necessary for accurate evaluation. This data input verification procedure is explained in each test's Orientation and Training Manual.

English, Spanish & Other Languages

All Behavior Data Systems (BDS) tests are available in English and Spanish. Some of BDS' tests are also available in other languages like Russian and Chinese. Reading levels typically vary around the high 5th and low 6th grade. Many of BDS' tests are also available in "human voice audio." This test administration procedure involves a computer, headphones/speakers and some basic "arrow key" instructions. Headphones ensure clarity while eliminating distractions, but computer speakers also work well. The "arrow keys" allow the client to move back and forth between questions and answers. As each question or answer is highlighted, it is read to the client. The client can go back and forth as many times as needed. When the client selects an answer the program advances to the next question. Reading can be in any language. This innovated approach to reading impaired evaluation resolves most bilingual, cultural and reading impaired screening problems. If you need a specific language translation, contact BDS. BDS will pay qualified interpreters to translate (hard copy) and transcribe (tape record) its tests in other languages. For more information call (602)234-3506, fax (602)266-8227 or e-mail Behavior Data Systems, Ltd.

These unique other language translations of BDS tests also apply to Online-Testing's internet testing platform. In other words, BDS tests offered over the internet are also available in English and Spanish. Additional test translations are being done on an as needed basis. For more information visit or e-mail us at"

Human Voice Audio (For Reading Impaired)

Human voice audio is available in English and Spanish. This test presentation procedure helps resolve many reading and cultural differences issues. A person's passive vocabulary is often greater than their active (spoken) vocabulary. Having items read out loud helps reduce cultural and communication problems. Human voice audio requires a computer, earphones and simple instructions. This test presentation procedure could help in the testing of clients, patients, defendants and offenders.

Delete Client Names (Insures HIPAA Compliance)

Many people are justifiably concerned about maintaining the confidentiality of client answers, test data and reports. To ensure confidentiality, Behavior Data Systems diskettes are equipped with an optional ""delete names"" procedure. Prior to returning used diskettes to Behavior Data Systems, test users are encouraged to use this procedure for erasing all respondent or client names. Demographics (such as age, gender, ethnicity, education, etc.) and test data are retained for ongoing database analysis, while client confidentiality is completely protected. This proprietary delete names procedure involves depressing a few keyboard letters and is discussed in each test's Orientation and Training Manual. This procedure insures client confidentiality and compliance with HIPAA (federal regulation 45 C.F.R. 164.501).

Different Tests for Different Evaluation Settings

Behavior Data Systems has different tests for different client populations and different assessment purposes. It just makes sense. If you want different information, you must ask different questions.

For clarification, comparison of test reports shows how different test items and scales (measures) result in markedly different reports. With regard to Behavior Data Systems tests, you might compare the Driver Risk Inventory-II report with the Pre-Post Inventory report or the Sexual Adjustment Inventory report.

Behavior Data Systems' staff believes that different tests are designed for different evaluation purposes and different client populations. Our staff maintains a strong commitment to delivering highly individualized client assessment of the highest accuracy and value, while furthering a state-of-the-art tradition in testing and psychometric research. Reference Behavior Data Systems' Alphabetically Listed Tests to corroborate these commitments.

Copyrighted by Behavior Data System, Ltd.©

