Assessment Tests and Interviews Reliable Computer Graded Assessment

Juvenile Tests Functionally Grouped
Visitors, who do not have the name of a test they are looking for, can begin their test search on this "Juvenile Tests Functionally Grouped" webpage. Behavior Data Systems (BDS) juvenile tests are grouped according to the test purpose, or function. In each category, there may be several tests, which approach the assessment category in their own unique way.

Anger Management

ACDI - Corrections Version II

Counseling & Treatment

Adolescent Chemical Dependency Inventory
ACDI - Corrections Version II
Domestic Violence Inventory - Juvenile
Juvenile Substance Abuse Profile
Sexual Adjustment Inventory - Juvenile
Treatment Intervention Inventory - Juvenile

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Inventory - Juvenile

Drug Courts

ACDI - Corrections Version II
Juvenile Detention Exam
Juvenile Pre-Disposition Evaluation

Sex Offenders

Sexual Adjustment Inventory - Juvenile

Juvenile Courts

ACDI - Corrections Version II
Domestic Violence Inventory - Juvenile
Juvenile Detention Exam
Juvenile Pre-Disposition Evaluation

Outcome Tests

DVI Pre-Post
Pre-Post Inventory

Probation Department

ACDI - Corrections Version II
Domestic Violence Inventory - Juvenile
Juvenile Detention Exam
Juvenile Pre-Disposition Evaluation
Sexual Adjustment Inventory - Juvenile
Shoplifting Inventory


Shoplifting Inventory

Violence (Lethality)

ACDI - Corrections Version II
Domestic Violence Inventory - Juvenile
Juvenile Detention Exam
Juvenile Pre-Disposition Evaluation
Sexual Adjustment Inventory - Juvenile

Substance Abuse

ACDI - Corrections Version II
Juvenile Substance Abuse Profile
Treatment Intervention Inventory - Juvenile

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For more information, contact Behavior Data Systems (BDS): Telephone (602)234-3506, Fax (602)266-8227, and e-mail

All Tests Copyrighted © by Behavior Data Systems, Ltd.

